My reminders of where I’m going

 I’ll be honest, the road of an entrepreneur is ROUGH!  There are a ton of pot holes, dead ends, black ice, hills and flat tires.  Basically if there was road side assistance for entrepreneurs that would be an incredibly successful busines…


I’ll be honest, the road of an entrepreneur is ROUGH!  There are a ton of pot holes, dead ends, black ice, hills and flat tires.  Basically if there was road side assistance for entrepreneurs that would be an incredibly successful business. Maybe I’ve just come up with something. HA, I digress! 

There are moments I think I’m gaining such incredible momentum only to be completely blindsided the next.  So why do I do it?  Great question, and I’d be lying if I told you that I didn’t ask myself that question a few times a day! HA! 

My honest answer is, what else would I do? 

7 years ago I was wearing heels and pencil skirts to a job that made zero impact in my life and quite frankly the lives of others.  I had a salary that I barely survived on and I answered someone else’s phones.  I felt a pit in my stomach day in and day out wondering if this was what life was supposed to look like and if I was meant for more.  Everyone else was in the same boat so we would all complain, commiserate and show up the next day to do it all over again.  I did this for years because I thought this was what I was supposed to do.  You start from the bottom and work up over the course of your entire career even if you’re not fulfilled or happy, right? 

One day my company cut overtime for the assistants.  For the record I was now making even LESS money and certainly felt less valued!  So I started teaching bootcamps.  It was extremely gratifying.  People looked forward to the classes, they gave up events to come to the class and they felt GOOD after!  I felt like I was doing something that matter and that made a difference.  I was hooked and that was my first taste of being an entrepreneur.  

A year later (still an assistant and still teaching bootcamps at all hours) I was ready to launch my personal training business.  I was scared!  Petrified to be more accurate.  I was on the phone with my dad and I said, “What am I doing? I’m leaving a stable job for 7 clients who are all in the SAME bootcamp class?!  I must be crazy!”  He had one simple response that gave me the courage to walk into my bosses office and quit.  He said, “What’s stable about a job you don’t like and doesn’t pay you what you deserve?” 

That was the beginning of my life as an entrepreneur.  Looking back across the road map of the last 7 years, was it easy? NO! Is it easier now? HAHAHA! NO!  BUT I look at it like this: the trenches I work in day in and day out are MY trenches!  I’m no longer slaving away working for someone else’s dreams and goals…I’m working towards mine. 

So back to the badges.  These two badges mean a lot to me because they represent my passion for helping people in health and fitness.  They also represent how the road of an entrepreneur is ever changing!  The one on the left is my badge at Beachbody’s Coach Summit this July.  And the badge on the right is LA’s Tech Summit that happened Thesday.  If you asked me 7 years ago, heck even 2 years ago if I would ever do anything online or digital I would have laughed.  There was not a tech bone in my body!  

When I look at these badges and see words like “Success Starter,” “Diamond Coach,” “Entrepreneur,” and “CEO”  I can’t help but feel a twinge of excitement!  These words represent dreams, passions, blood, sweat and many tears!  These badges show me that my passion to help people succeed in health and fitness is no longer confined to the 4 walls of a gym AND that I will adapt and grow as my environment changes!  They show me that my purpose and deep seeded mission to help people achieve their goals is so important to me that I will stop at nothing!  

In business and in fitness we will have major setbacks.  But no matter how many times you get knocked down, fall flat on your face or feel like giving up you absolutely HAVE to keep going.  If you feel a pang in your gut that tells you you’re meant for more, then you absolutely are meant for more!  If you have a dream or goal of what you want your life to look like, then you should chase that goal down no matter what stands in your way.  It never fails that in your lowest moments will come the greatest lessons and insights.  

So with that I leave you with a final thought. If you had to paint a picture of your dream life, what would it look like?  Get specific and dream big! If that vision gets you more excited than grinding it out every day at a job you hate, then go chase that dream life!  Seriously go chase it! It won’t always be easy and you will wonder if you made the right decision…but I can tell you that it is all worth it.  
