What is our body saying?I was sitting in the lobby at my dog’s vet this morning just wishing she could tell me what was wrong with her.  The guessing game kills me!  I just want her to feel healthy and be her normal spunky self!All this got me…

What is our body saying?

I was sitting in the lobby at my dog’s vet this morning just wishing she could tell me what was wrong with her.  The guessing game kills me!  I just want her to feel healthy and be her normal spunky self!

All this got me thinking…we go years and years without listening to our bodies.   What do I mean by that? Well, we suffer through annoyances that we’re feeing and we don’t listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us.  Here are some common warning cries that are bodies are sending us and what might be the root cause. 

Inflammation:  Inflammation is our bodies natural reaction when trying to heal itself but with many of the foods we eat that inflammation never goes down which leads to obesity and several other chronic diseases.   SUGAR is the biggest culprit here. By eliminating processed foods of all kinds you will immediately feel the relief.  Take it up a notch by eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, lean proteins and ramp up the Omega-3s!

Bloating: Belly bloat is so annoying and uncomfortable in more ways than one. While there are several issues like IBS and Crohn’s that cause bloating, food is absolutely a massive contributor.  Bloating is a sign that our bodies aren’t digesting properly.  I always say if our bodies do not recognize the food it will simply store it as fat instead of use it as fuel.  So when we’re eating processed foods, large quantities of cheese or dairy, refined carbohydrates and on top of that not drinking enough water our bellies will get distended and we’ll feel that icky bloat for a while.  On top of that the more fat cells we have the slower our bodies can get rid of whats in our belly.

Restless Sleep: When you’re having a restless night and wake up feeling more tired than when you went to bed your body is telling you something!  You might be dealing with acid reflux that is waking you up throughout the night.  Some of the main causes of acid reflux are fried foods, soda, sweets, high fat dairy and meats, caffeine, and alcohol.  Alcohol is another reason we sleep poorly.  Even though it seems like it puts us to sleep it actually effects our rhythm.  

Acne/Skin issues:  Acne isn’t just about oily skin and puberty. Acne has a lot to do with our diets.  Food sensitives and allergies can lead to blemishes as well as dark spots, puffy eyes and rashes.  Do a gut check and clock how much sugar you’re ingesting.  The bacteria in your system can be completely bent out of shape and unable to do their job with too much sugar.  Looks like cutting processed foods and sugars from your diet wins again. 

Moodiness: Did you know that our mood is determined by what we put in our bodies? I love the saying, “good food, good mood.”  Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, excessive carbohydrates and processed foods are a direct result in our stress and sluggish moods.  

There are a lot of signs and signals our bodies are sending us day and night. Let’s do our bodies a favor and listen!